







大葉大學 資訊管理學系



Working together, people clean beaches and fight for a healthy ocean. They save energy, cut down on pollution, and recycle – all to help sea creatures thrive. Once pale coral reefs are now bright and colorful again, like a beautiful underwater garden. All sorts of fish swim and play around the coral, making the ocean a lively place. Kind volunteers pick up trash on the beach to keep it clean. Scientists go deep underwater to watch the coral grow and help it get even healthier. We are all guardians of Taiwan’s oceans. By deepening our understanding of sustainable development and conservation practices, we can ensure a healthier future for Taiwan’s marine environment. This ocean, brimming with hope, can then become a model of perfect coexistence between humans and nature.


This story shows two sides of the ocean: a sad one and a happy one.
The first part is a warning sign. It shows what happens to the ocean if we don’t take care of it. The colorful coral reefs turn white and die because of pollution and hot water. This is all our fault because of trash and the smoke from factories.
But the second part shows us hope! People are working together to clean the beaches, fight for a healthy ocean, and even help the coral grow again. Now the coral reefs are colorful and full of fish again, just like a beautiful garden under the water.
This story reminds us that by joining hands for ocean sustainability and conservation in Taiwan and actively protecting our waters, we can bring the ocean back to teeming life! Let’s establish Taiwan as a leader in ocean sustainability.


This ocean story is a wake-up call. The dead coral reefs show how badly we’ve messed up. Pollution, hot water, and the silence where fish used to be can feel like a giant problem.
People are working together to clean beaches, fight for a healthy ocean, and even help coral grow back. This shows how clever we can be and how we can fix our mistakes.
This story is like a shout-out saying we all need to help. We can use less energy, support groups that protect the ocean, or even just pick up trash on the beach. Seeing a healthy ocean again, full of life, makes us feel like things can get better.
Change is possible, even when problems seem too big. The future of the ocean depends on what we do now. Let’s use this story to make a positive change! Small things, done by a lot of people, can make a big difference. The ocean needs us let’s be the generation that saves it!