





Infinity Circle–張慧心

朝陽科技大學 視覺傳達設計系



Work one is to present the ecological damage and food safety issues that may accompany the wonderful night market culture, so I tried to use AI to create a night market, but there is also a lot of garbage and pollution in it. The second work shows that the food of the vendors looks delicious and the environment is clean and tidy. At the same time, you can see the beautiful organic farmland, the clean sea and sky, and the vast mountains. It looks pleasant and comfortable, and it is excellent. Feeling healthy living and sustainable development.


I wanted to make these two postcards because I took some courses on organic agriculture and sustainability, in which I learned about diet and sustainable living. I also visited different farms and did some research for my presentation. I heard that the farmers often faint due to spraying pesticides and seek emergency medical treatment. The land becomes barren, farmers become unhealthy, and although the agricultural products are beautiful, they require a lot of pesticides, and consumers may not necessarily eat healthily. Taiwan has gradually discovered many ecological and health problems due to food safety issues, so I hope to let everyone know through postcards that it is important to pay attention to our ecology and diet. Taiwan has many delicious and representative foods, and many foreigners often want to visit night markets which is one of the characteristics of Taiwan. Therefore linked to SDG 2 – Zero Hunger, TCE 3 – Dietary Diversity, and TCE 6 – Environmental Protection, we need to help Taiwan’s food culture achieve food security, improve nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. While embracing Taiwanese specialties, we also need to maintain ecological balance and environmental protection. This is a serious challenge that requires the joint efforts of governments, enterprises, and every citizen.


Taiwan is a food paradise, but I think we need to learn self-sufficiency skills. Although farming was a natural thing in the agricultural era, as times have changed, many children have never even seen the prototype of fruits or vegetables. Although only some households in modern times have a place to grow, we can start by understanding the food that goes into our mouths, to understand its eating methods, food processing methods, cooking methods, peak seasons, planting methods, etc., and then continue to pass it on to the next generation.