
國立高雄科技大學 應用英語系
Peering through the dense mountain fog, the tribespeople gaze at the distant lights, a shimmering illusion of prosperity punctuated by the ceaseless hum of traffic. How did this island, once hailed as Formosa, famed for its breathtaking landscapes, transform into yet another concrete jungle? Are those flickering lights beacons of joy, or a tragic spectacle of human passion burning and wasted in a shallow society? Is it mountain mist that surrounds us, or a suffocating smog born of the city’s relentless exhalations? It doesn’t have to be this way. Plants can coexist with the urban sprawl, animals can thrive in mutual benefit with humankind. Imagine a future where everyone prospers – not just humanity, but the environment, the world. Taiwan’s original culture can flourish once more, defining its identity; Taiwan can reclaim its original form, Formosa, the beautiful island.
As an indigenous person of this beautiful island, I often find myself lamenting the creeping urbanization and Westernization of our environment. The bonds our ancestors forged – the harmony between mountain forests, lush vegetation, thriving pastures, and the animal kingdom; the close-knit communities within our tribes, these are all fading from our sight, rarely even glimpsed on television or even online.
Through this competition, while honing my English speaking and writing skills, I hope to ignite a passion in society for the preservation of our indigenous culture and environment. It is my dream that, by uniting the strength and aspirations of every person in Taiwan, we can reclaim the breathtaking beauty of Formosa, the island paradise we once knew, and bring it back to life for all to cherish.
In a time when the world fears that AI will replace humans, I am truly impressed that NKUST held this competition, giving me the opportunity to think about AI from a different perspective. Instead of replacing us, AI can assist us in reaching heights that we could not achieve alone. In the future, perhaps AI can help humanity discover environmentally friendly practices that benefit everyone while simultaneously preserving our cultures, making these visions a reality. Change is difficult, but I believe that by taking steps now, one step at a time, we can achieve true harmony between culture, the environment, and the world.