







大葉大學 資訊管理學系



This work depicts the transformation of Kaohsiung’s Qijin, from a marine paradise into a region struggling with environmental challenges caused by irresponsible consumption and production. The once vibrant seascape is now marred by plastic waste and industrial pollution, threatening marine life and ecosystems. However, the work also depicts hope through community-led restoration projects. Local residents are seen actively engaged in a cleanup effort, their gloved hands and bags full of waste symbolizing their commitment to environmental protection. Their actions not only alter the physical state of the ocean but also shape their future and that of their community. This work serves as a call to action, urging viewers to adopt sustainable lifestyles and take responsibility for environmental protection. It emphasizes that achieving sustainability is a collective effort, requiring the participation of each individual, not just the government or certain organizations. This is not merely a scene, but a powerful message of hope and responsibility for our oceans, environment, and future.


Firstly, our initial intention for participating in this competition was to enhance our English proficiency. We believe that through competition, we can apply English more actively, making the learning process more enjoyable.

Secondly, we chose Kaohsiung’s Qijin as the theme because of we deep emotional connection with this place. The beautiful scenery of Qijin and the harmonious local culture have made us fall deeply in love with this place. Therefore, when we saw this competition, we immediately decided to choose Qijin as the theme.

At the same time, we are very concerned about the issue of marine environmental protection. The ocean is the cradle of life on Earth, provides us with food, oxygen, and medicine through its diverse species and ecosystems. However, the ocean is facing many challenges, including overfishing, pollution, and climate change. These issues not only affect the survival of marine life but also threaten human life. Therefore, protecting the marine environment is not a choice, but our responsibility.     We hope that through this competition, more people will pay attention to the challenges currently faced by the marine environment, and encourage everyone to protect our planet. We believe that only through everyone’s joint efforts can we truly achieve the achieve sustainable development. This competition is not just about winning, but also a call for everyone to pay attention to environmental protection and love the Earth. We look forward to raising awareness of environmental issues through this competition, and working together for a more sustainable future.


By participating in the competition this time, we feel even more the fun and challenge of learning English. At the same time, we also take this opportunity to speak out for marine environmental protection. Through the competition, we gained a deeper understanding of Cijin, Kaohsiung’s beautiful scenery and local cultural atmosphere, which further deepened our love for this place.

When we witness the vastness and grandeur of the ocean, we might forget its delicate nature. The marine environment’s changes directly influence Earth’s climate and countless species’ survival. However, as a result of  human over-exploitation and pollution, the ocean’s ecological balance has been severely disrupted. This not only poses a threat to marine life but also impacts human existence.

We must realize the importance of protecting the marine environment and take concrete actions to change the current situation. We hope that through this competition, more people will become aware of this issue and be encouraged to join us in protecting our oceans. Only with everyone’s collective efforts can we truly achieve the goal of sustainable development.     This is not just a competition, but also a call for everyone to pay attention to environmental protection and love the Earth. We hope this competition will raise awareness of environmental issues, inspiring us to work together for a better future. We regard this experience as a valuable learning opportunity, and we will carry the lessons learned into our future life and learning.