

「save the ocean」





國立高雄科技大學 應用英語系



I want to focus on the SDGs14 and TCEs6, it’s about sanitation and life below water. Our oceans are invaluable ecosystems that provide us with essential resources and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of life on Earth. However, they are facing numerous threats, including pollution, overfishing, and climate change.
Like this picture, the ocean is full of a lot of garbage. The once pristine oceans now bear the scars of human neglect, marred by a relentless tide of garbage. Plastic debris, discarded without a second thought, litters the water’s edge, choking the life out of marine ecosystems. Seabirds, their graceful flights now burdened by the weight of our indifference, mistakenly ingest fragments of plastic, their lifeless bodies strewn across the desecrated sands. Beneath the surface, marine life struggles to survive amidst a sea of pollution, their habitats overrun by our careless waste.
It’s a sobering realization of the irreversible damage we’ve wrought upon our oceans. Yet, amidst the despair, there remains a glimmer of hope—a call to action to stem the tide of destruction, to restore the seas to their former glory, and to safeguard the delicate balance of life upon which our planet depends.


One of the key steps in ocean conservation is reducing plastic pollution. Millions of tons of plastic waste enter our oceans every year, harming marine life and ecosystems. By reducing our use of single-use plastics and promoting recycling, we can reduce this threat to our oceans. It’s not only can protect our global but also can let the water cleaner.
Another important aspect of ocean conservation is sustainable fishing practices. Overfishing has depleted fish populations and disrupted marine ecosystems. Implementing sustainable fishing practices, such as quotas and protected marine areas, can help restore fish stocks and preserve biodiversity.
In addition to ocean conservation, it is crucial to protect and conserve our freshwater resources. Water scarcity is a growing concern, and efficient water management practices, water recycling, and protecting watersheds are essential for ensuring a sustainable water future. Conserving our oceans and water resources is vital for the health of our planet and all living beings. By adopting sustainable practices and promoting conservation efforts, we can protect these valuable resources for generations to come. I believe one day our ocean will become as beautiful as before.


Through this competition, I learned more about the content of each SDGs. Although I focused on SDGs14, I think every part is something that people need to pay attention to and improve together. The earth is no longer as clean and beautiful as before. All over the world It is full of many difficulties. If it can be improved by some of our good habits, people should try their best to improve it and make our earth better.